A group of us headed down to Champaign for Homecoming 2007. We were sad Jamie and Zac couldn't join us this year, but were ready for some old school college fun. My friend Leah was able to come in from DC and it was great to see her! The football team gave us a scare but pulled out the win over Ball State. The rest of Leah's roommates were able to make it down too. Those girls were the wise sophomores that helped make our freshman year so much fun. The Krause's also made an appearance which was so much fun (as usual). We were feeling sort of old with all of the young kids but then we saw our older friend Jason Proehl and he bought us drinks which made us feel like dorky freshman again :) No trip to Champaign is complete without an adventure to Curtis Orchard for apple doughnuts, goat petting, cider, apples, pumpkins, gords, kettle corn, apple butter.....guys what else am I forgetting? I love college!
I received inspiration and encouragement from my friend Kim to start my own blog. As most of you may know I have been ridiculously busy these past few months (or year) with work, so even with the inspiration I had not been able do any posts....until now. I figure this is an easy way to keep family and friends up to date on what's going on with me here in the windy city. Bare with me as I try to master posting pictures. I don't have too many recent pictures to post. Since work has been my life, here are a few photos of my proud accomplishments. This is the new Northwestern Memorial Prentice Women's Hospital. Here is what they are....labor & delivery room, NICU patient bay, Linear Accelerator (for radiation treatments), and last but not least the outside of the building. I also put a few from Taylor and Ian's birthday party. Enjoy!