Last but not least, we had Brody & Amber's wedding back home in Central Illinois. The ceremony was in Tremont (Amber's hometown) and the reception was in Morton at the Ashland House. The Bernshausens were our neighbors until I was in 6th grade and have been family friends since before I was born. Brody is like my little brother, so seeing him up there getting married made me feel old but so happy! Bree, Amber, and I used to make up a lot of dances, play house, restaurant, and of course barbies. Poor Brody would always want to be a part of what ever we were doing and therefore, participated in many of our dances. Everyone at this wedding had a blast! I danced and danced and danced....even Adam danced. Us girls were even able to perform one of our favorite dance routines (yes, there was also lots of drinking) and Brody was ablel to join along :) He and Amber are like Adam and I - the guys are Cub fans and the girls are Cards fans. The DJ played Go Cubs Go which is like nails on a chalkboard to me and most Cardinals fans, but was one of the most fun songs of the night. Congrats to Brody and Amber and best wishes on long and happy life together!

Family Photo (minus Ian and Earl)

Wedding Party Dance (if you look hard Ian & Trevor are dancing)


I feel so short and I was even wearing my highest heels!

Lots of Dancing by all

I caught them both being thirsty :)

Our last 2009 wedding

Life-long Friends